Pay My Property Taxes
Current year taxes are due by November 30th (If November 30th is a weekend or holiday, payment is due by the following business day.) Any amount unpaid after the November 30th due date must be postmarked or paid online in any fashion prior to 12:00 midnight Mountain Standard Time to avoid being considered delinquent. Forecasting dates does not schedule your payment at a later date.
The penalty for delinquent taxes is the greater of 2.5% or $10 for each parcel but will be reduced to 1% or $10 for each parcel if the penalty and balance due are paid in full by January 31st. (If January 31st is a weekend or holiday, payment is due by the following business day.) If a balance due remains after January 31st interest will also be added retroactively to January 1st.
Pay Online
Look up what you owe by your parcel number or address.
Please note that this application has nightly scheduled maintenance from 11:55 PM to 5:00 AM MST. Scheduled maintenance times are approximate and may be extended due to unusual circumstances.
Select a past date to view records for previous years.